Please contact us

By phone from 9am to 6pm and by e-mail around the clock.

Kayak rental and the Czarna Woda campsite

Kayaks Kajaki Hydrostacja Czarna Woda

How to find us?

We have a base at the end of the village. Preferably using Google navigation. All you need to do is find the KAYAKI HYDROSTACJA business card and you will find it for sure.

Here are the coordinates for the remaining navigation systems 53.827747, 18.127398.


Email: info@hydrostacja.pl


Starowiejska (next to number 94), 83-262 Czarna Woda



The owner of the rental shop and the campsite is the company:
ul. Bogusława 60
80-209 Chwaszczyno

NIP: 5921367695


Bank: account number: 86 1140 2004 0000 3302 5230 1294

Write to us

We reply the same day


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